《Final Fantasy 16》英国实体版销量急滑 又被萨尔达超过

2023-07-05 09:54:42 作者:网络 来源:网络

Zelda (sales up 18%) is back at No.1 in the UK boxed charts, replacing Final Fantasy (down 78%). AEW is the highest new entry at No.3 (sales 40% lower than WWE 2K23, not bad). Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life is at No.7.I fully intend to get both of those at some point

— Christopher Dring (@Chris_Dring) July 2, 2023

之前排第二的《萨尔达传说:王国之泪》销量增长18%,超过了《Final Fantasy 16》,重返英国实体游戏销量排行榜第一名。排名第三的则是《AEW》,目前其销量比《WWE 2K23》低40%,但表现还不错。

